Broadsheet, The Blog

Two Lady Artists with Bees in Their Bonnets

10 June 2008

Overheard at BCAM

"This is about as exciting as looking at someone's stock portfolio."

Overheard in the magnificent elevator between floors at of the new Broad* Contemporary Art Museum at the L.A. County Museum of Art, which according to Christopher Knight's thoughtful review at the LA Times, featured 80% works by Gagosian-represented artists and only 3 women (out out of 28 artists, and frankly, we were only able to spot Barbara Kruger and Cindy Sherman, so maybe the third was installed in the restroom).

*no relation (it's pronounced "Brode" as in the collectors Edythe and Eli, who infamously announced their decision not to donate their collection to LACMA a few months back.)