Broadsheet, The Blog

Two Lady Artists with Bees in Their Bonnets

25 December 2006

X-MAS Cheer

Yes Dear Reader(s),

It is Christmas. And we at BS hope that you are having a delightful holiday. We are aware, however, that not everyone is feeling merry, not everyone is celebrating and that some of you may not be feeling celebratory. Some of you may even be overwhelmed by the glut of holiday food, cheer and gifts; bored and sick of your family, you seek an oasis of quiet with a computer, or are perhaps being held hostage at an in-law's house, looking for a brief respite from all the peaceonearthgoodwilltowardmen. Never fear; we here at BS understand the needs of the cranky.

For That Broad, it was shaping up as a good non-holiday celebration with a small group of non-celebrants, watching movies and overeating, when the projector needed just oooone more magazine to pitch it higher... and 2006 was nearly completed in blissful ignorance of Vanity Fair's "Art Issue." Of course the link won't allow you to actually see the article or the delightfully annoying graphic of the satellite of "stars": who's rising, who's falling, who's a satellite, who's a super-nova. Cute. The round-up of usual-suspect artist profiles and studio shots once again reinforce the age issue, discussed at length over at Ed's and Edna's.

But that is just an aside... What really must be shared is a fun link to brighten your holiday mood! Submitted last night by an "anonymous" tipster: Scamorama! Eve Edelson, web mistress and author of the book of the same name, and interviewed on WNYC this past week, provides an entertaining compilation of scams and scam-baiters, including Artists Against 419. Delightful!

So, while you're hiding there in the basement from your relatives, enjoy!

Merrily Yours!
The Broads


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for providing a forum for the truly holiday challenged. I just escaped from the family Christmas dinner from hell where I almost killed my bratty nephew by strangulation until he brought me to my senses by telling me to hug, not hit, and then shot me with his new pellet gun. Sweet kid. I couldn't believe I was capable of that kind of violence, but something in me just snapped. Anyway, it's a relief to find a place where everyone isn't all happy this and merry that. Sorry, but I have to post this anonymously lest my family find out how I really feel about them.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Broad*Sheet said...

we here at BS salute you and your ability to escape pellet gun fire in order to share your Christmas story. thank you!

11:13 PM  
Blogger Broad*Sheet said...

I remember hearing some female comedian say she finally realized what child-safety window bars were *really* for after she had kids - they're to keep us from throwing them out the windows!

happy almost-done holidays from a mom who is no stranger to those occasional less-than-loving urges, whose jet-lagged toddler son who should be sleeping is driving her insane right this second as a matter of fact...

10:50 PM  

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