Broadsheet, The Blog

Two Lady Artists with Bees in Their Bonnets

08 June 2006

Oops, and Thanks!

On behalf of That Broad and me, please accept our belated but heartfelt thanks for welcoming us so warmly! And thanks to Edward_ for sending his love and readers our way!

We are embarrassed to admit that we found it necessary to attend to urgent non-internet activities for the past couple of days. Please bear with us as we get used to the blogging schedule; it's much more rigorous than the thrice yearly pilgrimage to the office Xerox machine to which we have been accustomed. We have been spoiled by our in-house motto "BS = No Stress", but we'll get up to speed soon (though we hope to continue our policy against stress).

So perhaps this is the right time to try to influence your expectations regarding new posts: for now you can expect something from us at least two times a week, probably on Mondays and Thursdays.

We are very glad to be here and we look forward to many mutually enriching exchanges!

This Broad


Blogger Broad*Sheet said...

Just so you know I am not a silent partner: everything she said!

11:48 PM  

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